06. June 2015 · Comments Off on What causes cracked skin at the corners of your mouth · Categories: Uncategorized

Your facial is going to be the very first impression that gets seen. Any unattractive small pimple or scar can certainly going to affect your social life, not to mentioned that ugly painful red lesions that appear right on your corners mouth.


This cracked corners of mouth is often identify as angular cheilitis and liked mentioned, is a lesion that is swollen and appear at the side and corners of your mouth. It brings along much pain and itchiness and may form crusts at the mouth corners. In severe condition, blood may surface from the opened mouth injuries, especially as the infection advances.

Angular cheilitis might be triggered either by bacteria or fungus infection. From medical studies, some prevalent factors are proven to cause your cracking mouth to emerge.

What causes cracked skin at the corners of your mouth?

Nutrient deficiencies such as iron, zinc, folate, and vitamin B12 makes your body very prone to angular cheilitis. These nutrients are essential in keeping your immune system strong and allow your body to fend off any disease-causing bacteria. You can make up the inadequate of multivitamins through supplements that are readily available in all health stores.


Specific mouth habit (such as persistent licking of lips and pooling of saliva in your mouth) can trigger the beginning of angular cheilitis. Consistent exposure of dust and dirt on your mouth could also put you at risk of this bacterial infection. Make sure that you keep your mouth moisturized (using petroleum jelly) and clean your mouth regularly.

Are you using any dentures? Make sure that they fit your mouth properly. If it is too tight or too loose, it could trigger the flare up of angular cheilitis. See your dentist if you have problems with your dentures. You should always clean your dentures daily to make sure that they are free from bacteria and germs.

Hydrate your lips. One of an effective natural treatment for cracked corners of mouth is to keep it hydrated regularly. When your lips and mouth are dry, cracking will form and the opening lesions will lead to angular cheilitis. Make sure that you consume at least 8 glasses of plain water each day to keep your mouth moisturized

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