09. January 2016 · Comments Off on How to treat angular cheilitis · Categories: Uncategorized

The Cheilitis signs that all of us recognize with, contains “divides” or splits at the edges of our mouths, and it comes with a rash-like inflammation and also swelling. Discomfort as well as pain are inevitable the end effect of this disorder.


Aside from the much discomfort caused by angular cheilitis, it also brings along emotional and also psychological stress to us, as we flinch within our own selves after seeing the facial responses of others as they see our face.

Our lips and mouth are prone to infection primary because of 2 primary factors. First of all, our skin is really slim and secondly, our lips have no oil generating glandulars, with the only resources of wetness being from licking of the lips or from the use of balms or lotions on the lips.

If you already suffering from cracked corners of mouth, licking the fracture edges of mouth could make the issue even worse. The rapid dissipation of spit just creates even more drying which results in more chapping as well as considerable discomfort, promoting the growth of angular cheilitis.

Certainly you should not deal with angular cheilitis like other dry skin condition on your physical body. This suggests that you should not begin using hefty amount of antibacterial cream to your cracked mouth, which might wind up with a lot more skin issues. Which is probably something you most likely intend to stay clear of, right?

cucumber juice

So as opposed to using lotions, try using natural remedy such as cucumber juice. Cucumber juice works well in protecting your mouth and lip against any kind of irritability along with reduced the inflammation quickly. Begin using the cucumber juice periodically. Early morning and evening are the best times to do this. Allow the cucumber juice to saturate right into the pores of your skin. It will certainly help in reducing the look of angular cheilitis promptly.

It was recognized that fractured edges of the mouth are generally triggered by fungus microorganisms and also it could not live without wetness. Maintain your mouth clean and dry is one of the natural way to prevent and cure angular cheilitis.

Lastly, you ought to review your diet regimen. Are you obtaining adequate vitamins every day? Angular cheilitis could be caused by absence of vitamins. So a simple mean to cure this disorder is to begin consuming more fresh green leafy veggies, lean meats, whole grains as well as reduced fat milk items.

There are more natural ways that you can certainly adopt to end your painful and ugly cracked mouth. In fact, this can be done in just 12 hours right from HERE!

12. December 2015 · Comments Off on Why do the corners of my mouth crack · Categories: Uncategorized

When the skin at the edges of your mouth ends up being red, broken and also aggravated, you would certainly do almost anything to make it really feel much better. Not just because it is a literally awkward concern, cracked corners of mouth could likewise make you really feel really self mindful regarding your look.

Why do the corners of my mouth crack

In fact, angular cheilitis is a rather common disorder that afflicts lots of people of any ages globally. The good news is there is an all-natural therapy for cracked mouth and you could do the treatment right from your convenience at your home.

It was recognized that the split of your mouth are usually created by fungus germs and these bacteria could not live without dampness. Thus, by maintaining your mouth as clean as possible and keeping it completely dry, you can be sure that it will aid to heal angular cheilitis condition.

Use of Vaseline or beeswax to your lips and corners of your mouth. This could provide additional moisture to your dry, cracked mouth and helps to heal the inflamed skins around the edges of your lips.

Dehydration could be another factor for your split lips. If you do not consume adequate water d you daily, this could lead to the flare up of cracks in the corners of mouth. Alternative, you could opt for fresh fruit juices if you prefer better drink. But do avoid coffee and tea as they do not really help in retaining your body fluid.

drink water

Some other common organic treatments for completely dry lips include the use of olive oil. This might appear amusing, yet olive oil is easily available in most household and it offers much protection to the already dry inflamed skins by supplying a thick coating on the lips.

If your lips are constantly exposed to sunlight or wind, aloe vera could be a great approach to assist in soothing the burning sensation. It’s finest to make use of the gel straight from the plant, however you could also utilize over the counter gel that extract from aloe vera plant.

Raw Shea butter and also coconut oil work well to relieve the split corners of mouth while you are on the move. Merely put some of it in a little resealable plastic bag for usage throughout the day.

Lips that are broken will certainly require additional treatment. Start making use of the above remedies to safeguard and your lips. In fact, angular cheiliti could be eliminated in just 24 hours using natural remedies listed HERE!

23. August 2015 · Comments Off on What causes cracks on the side of the mouth · Categories: Uncategorized

Anything that weakens the immune resistance can make you susceptible to a multitude of infections, including angular cheilitis. Though there’s no accurate study linking vitamin B12 inadequacy to angular cheilitis, it has actually been determined by several researchers that a lack of Vitamin B12 can make your body much more prone to various kinds of infections.

What causes cracks on the side of the mouth

In addition, the level of nutrients and vitamins present in older and younger folks are usually much lower as compared to adult. Thus, these group of folks tend to suffer from cracked corners of mouth more frequently and the healing takes much longer than norm.

Ecological conditions, such as wind, dry air and excessive sun exposure, can bring about chapped lips, which leave inflammation in the corners of your mouth. Licking your lips can likewise intensify the already inflamed skin and trigger angular cheilitis.

A deficiency in iron or riboflavin can likewise make your lips to chap and the edges of your mouth to redden. Soreness around the mouth edges might also be a side effect of some oral retinoid medication that you might be taking for acne or another skin condition.


The reason for angular cheilitis flare up can be any condition that cause your saliva to built up in the sides of the mouth. One such condition is the use of improper fix of dentures. Another condition include the drooling during sleep and consistent licking of the lips. Allergies to some lipsticks or toothpastes can likewise be another source of cause for split corners of mouth.

Olive Oil has actually been used for many years in dealing with a variety of skin disorders. It functions as a moisturizer to combat angular cheilitis. Apply a small amount of warm olive oil over the affected area twice a day. Due to its antibacterial properties, it can assist eliminate those harmful microbes. You can also include a few drops of lemon juice to olive oil to improve the effectiveness of this natural solution.

Mix one tablespoon of vitamin E oil with two tablespoons of tea tree oil. Use it on your cracked corners of mouth 3 times daily. It can aid to cure that agonizing slits at the corner of the mouth which is often the symptoms of angular cheilitis.


Honey is also frequently used as a form of moisturizers to avoid lips from losing moisture and drying up. Apply a thin coat of pure natural honey on your lips throughout the day as well as before going to sleep. This will avoid your lips from cracking. Prevention is one of the best remedy against angular cheilitis. As an alternative to honey, Cocoa butter is also an exceptional good moisturizer and can avoid your mouth from cracking.

Now you had learned how angular cheilitis comes about, it is time to uncover what you can do to make your split corners of mouth goes away in just 24 hours right from HERE!

15. August 2015 · Comments Off on How to dry out angular cheilitis fast · Categories: Uncategorized

Are you suffering from angular cheilitis and had tried numerous products and drug treatments however with little or no success? If you are, this article will certainly reveal to you my story, particularly how I won my battle with this dreadful mouth infection.


Infections are one of the key reasons how you would be affected with lesions and cracked on corners of mouth. In the case of Angular Cheilitis infection, you would observe that it would materialize on your corner of mouth and lips.

How to dry out angular cheilitis fast?

The sores caused by Angular Cheilitis can end up being dry, crack and bleed so it is a good idea to keep them hydrated at all time. Petroleum jelly and virgin coconut oil which makes use of natural plants that does not come with any harmful chemicals or ingredients, are good choice of natural lip balms and moisturizers.

Fresh juice extracted from neem leaves had an amazing healing effect on inflamed skin disorder. Apply the juice on the affected area to combat that infection causing microorganisms to end your suffering.


Follow a rich diet strategy by eating rich green veggies, carrots, spinach, tomatoes, legumes and other dietary products. As you are aware of, angular cheilitis is primarily caused by an absence of vitamins and other necessary nutrients in your body. These foods will certainly help to cover the shortage of such nutrients in your body, assisting you to heal your cracked mouth quicker.

Old folks that had put on dentures as well as those with a bad dentition are more likely to be the target of angular cheilitis. This is because their mouth no longer closes well and several folds are made around the lips. When these folds are filled with moisture such as sweat and saliva, the corners of mouth ends up being red, inflamed and ultimately starts to crack. In order to avoid that, it is recommended that you ask your dentist to alter your denture when you feel it is not fitting well. Likewise, keeping a good oral health can reduce your risk on Angular Cheilitis as there will be no more germs around and inside your mouth.

Coconut oil is a good moisturizer, which helps in preventing the flare up of microorganisms causing angular cheilitis infection. Applying it over the inflamed cracking mouth, 3 times a day. This will aid to cure the painful sores on the corners of the mouth and prevent them from recurring.


Olive oil is yet another exceptional well known moisturizer and often used as a natural home treatment to cure angular cheilitis. It is commonly used to treat different skin conditions. Apply warm little olive oil over the affected location two times a day. This will eliminate harmful germs and eliminated angular cheilitis.

Most of the times, cracks caused by angular cheilitis can easily get deeper, begin to bleed as well as collect severe infection, making healing a difficult process. That is why this condition has to be treated as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, there are WAYS that you can end this painful and embarrassed disorder in just 24 hours from HERE!

09. August 2015 · Comments Off on How do you heal angular cheilitis · Categories: Uncategorized

Split corners on the mouth, likewise called Angular Cheilitis or Perleche, is an embarrassing and agonizing skin order that occurs in the corners of your mouth. Your corners of the mouth ulcerate painfully with crusty red areas when you are suffering from this condition. The sores look a little like infected paper cuts, which might scab and form sores.

cracked corners of mouth

The condition takes place more regularly in winter although some folks have the annoying condition all year around. There can be numerous reasons leading to Perleche. Normally folks suffering from Angular Cheilitis tend to have an inadequate intake of iron or vitamin B as well as a weakened immune system. Moreover, any bacterial, viral or yeast infections may also lead to angular cheilitis.

How do you heal angular cheilitis?

Following are some WAYS that you could possibly do to aid address this disorder that are worth trying for.

Possessing a healthy immune system can avoid many bouts of red irritated corners of the mouth. Go for an extra blanket on your bed throughout winter so that you can sleep warmly, reducing the stress on your body immune system.

Is your intake of fluids enough? If not, you might get dehydrated and this will certainly cause your lips to end up being chapped. Increase your intake of water to keep your mouth and throat from getting dry. This will certainly avoid the flare up of chapped lips.


Are you wearing any braces? Extreme slobbering, specifically while sleeping, could be a typical side-effect of using ill fitted dentures. This drooling can wind up in split corners of mouth. If left unattended, this problem will certainly never go away by itself. Book a consultation with your dental practitioner or denturist to have the concern remedied. It can genuinely make a huge difference in ending your Angular Cheilitis nightmare.

Also, having a diet plan low on fatty acids may also be the reason for dry, chapped lips. It is extremely important to have a balanced diet as our body does require certain amount of fat content. The fat found in dairy products is extremely beneficial for your body as it is related tp the production of oils that keep your lips smooth and healthy.

Hot liquids touching the skin at the corner of your mouth can likewise worsen your already painful Angular Cheilitis condition, delaying the healing progress. If you had the habit of going for a cup of hot coffee or tea every day, do try to change for an alternative beverage till your cracked mouth healed. Also, watch out for consuming anything acidic. This includes orange, grapefruit and tomato juices. If you should indulge, consume them through a straw. This will ensure that the juice will not aggravate the tender skin at the corner of your mouth.

Though Angular Chelitis is not going to be a life threatening condition, it can be a source of humiliation and frustration for sufferers as it is so visible on the face. Fortunately, there are natural ways that you can do right from HERE to end your suffering in just 24 hours.

26. July 2015 · Comments Off on How to get rid of angular cheilitis for good · Categories: Uncategorized

If you are suffering from cracked corners of mouth, you’ll be glad to know that it is not infectious. However, to have your love ones giving you a kiss will prove to be challenging.


The ugly, red lesions with a whitish color at the corners of your mouth can certainly put off your most ardent admirer and will have an adverse effect on your social life.

If you are suffering from this condition, which is often referred as angular cheilitis in medical term, you’ll be pleased to know that this skin disorder can be treated using some natural remedies easily available in your kitchen.

How to get rid of angular cheilitis for good?

Do you have honey in your household? Honey possess great antifungal and antibacterial properties, which had awesome effect in killing the source of infection, taking away the pain and make the itching stop. In addition to that, it consists of minerals and vitamins which will assist in healing your inflamed corners of mouth. Therefore, if you have some honey in your kitchen area, apply bit of honey on your cracking mouth every day and leave it there for 10 minutes before cleansing it off with warm water. You will certainly feel much better and your cracked mouth will gradually vanish.


Keep some aloe vera leaf in your fridge. They will come handy when you need instant discomfort relief from your painful cracking corners of mouth. Simply peel of the skin of the aloe vera leaf and rub the scrub on your angular cheilitis. You may carry out this treatment as often as needed without worrying on the side effects.

Another reliable natural remedy to deal with angular cheilitis will be the use of margosa leaves powder. Just apply this powder on the affected area and you will certainly discover its amazing results within a few days. Margosa leaf extracts is a widely known remedy for chapped lips and cracked mouth corners.

Next in the list will be the use of cucumber. You can either apply the cucumber juice at split mouth to soothe discomfort and heal the condition or gently rub a fresh slice of cucumber on the cracking mouth to alleviate the pain.


If your body is dehydrated, your mouth will be the starting point to have skin disorder causing angular cheilitis. Keep your body well hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of water everyday, to keep your lips hydrated from the within, and to stop them from ending up being dry and crack. Natural cocoa butter is likewise good for use as a skin moisturizer. Keep your lips moistened by using the cocoa butter in the morning, at midday, as well as at night prior going to sleep.

Having split mouth corner not only brings you much discomfort whenever you tried to open your mouth to talk, laugh, eat or drink, but also upset your social life. Fortunately you do have a choice to end this in just 24 hours right from HERE!

12. July 2015 · Comments Off on How do you cure angular cheilitis · Categories: Uncategorized

Are you having painful and ugly cracks or inflammatory lesions around the corners of your mouth. This is a condition clinically referred to as angular cheilitis. Deep fractures, shallow ulcers, or crusts formed on your mouth as a result of angular cheilitis can be a really displeasing sight, influencing the physical appearance of a person.


Of course, you would certainly hope that your cracked mouth will heal by itself. However, it can take just about anywhere from a few weeks to various months for your body to remedy itself and at times, a mild infection can turn into severe angular cheilitis.

One action that you ought to avoid is to continuously lick your lips or cracked corners of mouth as they will often feel dry due to the flare up of angular cheilitis. Saliva could possibly leave the inflamed mouth becoming contaminated.

How do you cure angular cheilitis?

To have your angular cheilitis well managed, you will need to address the root of the disorder. Angular Cheilitis present as a result of the breed of bacterial in your inflamed skin. So, your treatment should concentrated on drying them out. Once all the fungal germs had been cleared, your body would be able to heal the mouth lesions in one to two days..

Include a few drops of lemon juice to olive oil and apply the mixture to your split corners of mouth. Do this every night and you will see the benefit in a week time.


Use of fresh cucumber slices on your cracking mouth is a quick and effective way to get swift pain relief from the discomfort caused by Angular Cheilitis. Keep the cucumber refrigerated and take them out only when you are going for the treatment. The cooling effect offers by the cold cucumber will certainly take you by surprise.

Lip Balms and Moisturizers such as virgin coconut oil or petroleum jelly are the best natural treatments for angular cheilitis. But, bear in mind that these balms and moisturizers ought to be odorless and unflavored along with devoid of any chemical substances.

Sea dehydrates the cell membrane of germs that causes angular cheilitis, thereby eliminating the bacteria and heal your split corners mouth. This can be a painful treatment but it can surely cure your cracking mouth in a few days. Apply the salt on your lesions and wash it off after 10 minutes. You may carry out this treatment as often as required.

Having a cut or sore in any moving part of your body makes it difficult to recover. This can be particularly unpleasant and intensified if it happens on the corner of your mouth. The unsightly appearance of the red lesions that comes with agonising pain make it tough for any facial movement that included your lips and mouth. Fortunately, you can have a choice to end this suffering in just 24 hours right from HERE!

27. June 2015 · Comments Off on How to get rid of cracked corners of mouth · Categories: Uncategorized

Are you suffering from little razor cuts on your corners of your mouth and it comes along with reddish rash on the skin around the corners of your mouth. The cracking mouth certainly going to hurt the very moment you start opening them.

open mouth

This condition that you are going through is often identify as Angular cheilitis. It is a prevalent disorder whereby fungal or bacterial infection triggers staining, cracking, and other odd sores on the corners of your mouth. While the skin disorder is not life threatening, its prominent presence on your face can be a bothersome affliction.

What could possibly leads to your cracking mouth distress?

Numerous factors that hold responsible for angular cheilitis include deficiency of minerals such as iron, zinc and vitamin B12, poor immune system, advanced age as well as badly fitting dentures.

Angular cheilitis often likes to find their targets on folks suffering from diabetes, systemic disease such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn illness, atopic dermatitis or celiac disease. Use of prescription antibiotics or oral retinoid medications such as isotretinoin for acne and acitretin can likewise leads to angular cheilitis flare up.

How to get rid of cracked corners of mouth?

Are you wearing any dentures? Improper dentures may cause angular cheilitis to surface. Your mouth will not closed well and a number of folds will appear around the mouth. When these folds are fulled of sweat or saliva, it offers an ideal breeding environment for bacteria to grow and will make the skins around your corners mouth irritated and inflamed. If that is causing your split corners of mouth, it’s time to visit your dental professional to change your denture.


Honey makes angular cheilitis goes away. Well known for its antibacterial and antifungal capability, honey is found to be an effective home solution to heal cracking mouth. Apply a thin coating of pure honey to the afflicted area before sleep and gently cleanse it off with warm water the next morning.

Make your own lip balm by blending petroleum jelly with a little tea tree oil. This blend They are exceptional good for healing the painful cracks of angular cheilitis.

You see, the moistness present in your corners mouth acts as food for the bacteria to flourish, making the cure of angular cheilitis to be difficult. The natural remedies listed HERE will make the breeding place drier so that germs will not be able to live longer and ultimately dies out.

20. June 2015 · Comments Off on Cracks on the side of mouth · Categories: Uncategorized

A gentle smile would certainly bring the bright start of a day. But, if your smile is costing you tons of pain, are you going to live with it? Those cracks on the side of mouth are not simply dry skin. It is in fact a disorder commonly known as angular cheilitis.


Angular cheilitis is often identified as skin cracks, open sores or blisters that occurs at one or both corners of your mouth. Discomfort, swelling and pain are the words commonly used by its victims to described the conditions. If left untreated, severe angular cheilitis can trigger permanent scarring at the corner of the mouth.

Fortunately, you can DO something to avoid the disorder from getting out of control and had it eliminated naturally.

Honey is widely used by many chinese physicians in battling germs and fungi occurred in skin. Do not underestimated how this sweet compound can help to heal your cracking mouth. Simply apply a thin layer of pure honey on your split corners mouth and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off using warm water, Carry out this treatment 3 times daily for a week and you would observe significant improvement in your condition.


Fresh cucumber slices. Buy some cucumber and keep them in your fridge. You would find them handy when you desperately need some instant relief from the pain caused by your cracking mouth. What you need to do is gently rub the cucumber slices on your splits corners mouth for about 10 minutes. This will offer swifty discomfort relief. You may carry out this treatment as often as needed.

Tea tree oil is often viewed as one of an effective home remedy for angular cheilitis as it contains lots of antifungal properties. You could either blend tea tree oil with one 1 tsp of olive oil or almond oil and apply the mixture over the cracked corners of mouth during each night before sleep.

Your cracking mouth will certainly going to recover quicker if you take vitamin B12, C and Zinc. These vitamins are essential in helping your body building up immune system and maintain good skin growth.


This sounds easy, regularly cleaning your splits corners mouth with antibacterial soap and warm water. This will aid to eliminate the bacteria present in your cracking mouth and dry your injuries.

Our lips are used constantly throughout the day, for talking, kissing, facial expressions and of course, enjoying our yummy meals. Do not ignore the mild inflammation on your cracking mouth as it can deteriorate rapidly without treatment. Visit HERE to have your angular cheilitis cured in just 24 hours.

14. June 2015 · Comments Off on How to heal cracked corners of your mouth · Categories: Uncategorized

Angular cheilitis which may be identified as as stomatitis or perleche, is a skin disorder caused by the development of fungal germs right in the corners of your mouth. This condition is often very agonizing and bring along unbearable pain whenever you try to open your mouth.

how long does angular cheilitis take to heal

Your cracking mouth will often begins to materialize itself through an aching at one or both corners of the mouth. When left untreated, it could further deteriorate to blood loss when you attempt to use your mouth.

What’s lead to the flare up of Angular cheilitis?

Nutritional deficiency has actually been proven to trigger cracking corners of mouth. Vitamin B12 and iron are essential by our body to improve our body’s immune system and maintain good skin conditions. You could go for multivitamins supplements to make up the inadequacy of these nutritional.

Poor dental fitting will lead to tissue swelling under dentures. When the dentures are not removed or cleaned regularly, yeast infections can happen. Bad fitting dentures can likewise pave the way for saliva to collect in the corners of the mouth, resulting in an infection that renders angular cheilitis. If you are wearing a denture, make sure that it fits well in your mouth and clean them everyday to avoid the breeding of micro germs that could lead to the grow of angular cheilitis.


How to heal cracked corners of your mouth?

The combination of honey and onion juice are often used as a home remedy to heal cracking mouth. Honey contains a lot of active ingredients that can eliminate any bacteria quickly. Apply the mixture on your split corners mouth and wash it off 15 minutes after the mixture had dried up on your inflamed corners of mouth.

Cocoa butter is a widely used skin moisturizer. It does not just prevent chapped lips but also assists in addressing angular cheilitis condition.Apply a small quantity of natural cocoa butter on the affected mouth. Leave it coated for at least an hour before cleaning it off. This helps to bring back the wetness to the fractures mouth corners and treat the swelling.


Cucumber had a natural healing effect on any inflamed skin and it can be easily found in most household. What you need to do is to slice a few pieces of cucumbers and gently rub it on your splits mouth. This will provide instant cooling effect and relief you from the discomfort brought by angular cheilitis. You may carry out this treatment as often as needed without worrying about any unwanted side effects.

You should not let the discomfort (which seems to “cut” your mouth whenever you have to use it for conversation, eating or even smiling) hinder your way of life. Start using the natural remedies listed HERE to end your suffering in just 24 hours.